St. Johns School District, Florida
October 15, 2007
Tom participated in the Quality Assurance Review (QAR) Team that recommended district accreditation for the St. Johns County School District of Florida.

We spent the day in the district office. The morning started with an overview of the district, presented by the superintendent. This was followed by an interview with the superintendent, Dr. Joseph Joyner, and interviews with his leadership team, central office personnel, the individual members of the school board, PTO/SAC, and prominent stakeholders in the community. Monday's interviews exceeded 90 people.

The Superintendent presented his overview of the district in a power-point presentation

Team Leader, Dr. Bud Ginn

Superintendent, Dr. Joseph Joyner
Rhonda, Cheryl, a Parent, and Bud Mike, Wilbert's hands, Bud, Cheryl and Shelly
The Superintendent's Leadership Team Central Office Personnel PTO/SAC Community Stakeholders