Buddy's Page
Hi, it's Buddy. Well, it's summer time and the livin' is easy.
When Grammy comes for dinner, sometimes we play tug. I'm stronger than she is. Mom says she lets me win, but I don't think so. This guy lives in our neighborhood and is very undisciplined. Sometimes he gets out of his yard and runs through everybody else's yard.
The Ferrarello Family came for the weekend. Jack and I get along, OK, but I don't think he likes me. Nico is getting bigger and he may be walking soon, but I'm still faster.
I can still be in the front of the picture.
He is a LOT bigger than I am.
Kate cuts his toenails! They're not gonna' get near me with that thing.
Oh, oh! Here he comes. He's getting closer. I'm outta' here.
Wait, I'll check him. Nope. He doesn't need changing.
I sleep on the sofa. Jack is assigned the floor, as it should be in MY house.
Sometimes, I get to go outside and play. I'm not sure I've mentioned this, but this a nice house for sleeping.
I'll write again next month.