More Snow
It started snowing around 1330 on Friday. We decided that Lyd and Buddy should go over to Margaret's and spend the night. At 2130, accompanied by an audible "bang" in the neighborhood, our power went off. The street lights went off a few minutes later. There was a lot of loom from US 13, so the lights were on over there when I reported the outage to Delmarva Power. The obvious course of action was to go to bed. The power came back on at 2230.
Saturday morning, I found about 6" of snow on the car. This is a wet, packing snow as the temperature is in the 35-37 range. Later in the day, with the temperature dropping, the snow returned in force. By 1930, the last of the snow showers moved off the coast.
Friday Night
The snow was heavy.
The car gets a first blanket.
Saturday morning at 0700 produced a beautiful white landscape.
The heavy snow and brisk winds have deposited quite a bit of debris in the snow.
The drift of the snow in the front basket suggests the winds last night
The morning view of the front yard
A ruler inserted in the snow on top of the car shows 6".
With the seat of the chair some 18" off the ground and the table top about 30" off the ground, it is arguable that this snow is about 15" deep. It'll be measured Sunday.
This snow is drifting into the open door.
More back yard scenes from Saturday afternoon.
On Sunday, we started to dig out.
Tuesday, we're expecting more snow.