Arrival in Phoenix |
9/24/2011 |
We got up before the alarm was to go off at 0500.
We finished packing and drove in a thick fog to the airport.
Check in was easy and we were relieved when they boarded the flight and left on time, as I suspected the field was below minimums.
Strong headwinds and a thunderstorm over Charlotte put us on the ground and out of the plane 25 minutes before the flight to Phoenix was due to depart.
We commandeered a lovely lady with one of those passenger golf carts and she raced the length of the airport to get us to the plane just before they closed the door.
Since she’s not allowed to accept tips, I’ll omit her name from this narrative.
Lunch was excellent.
Lyd had cheese tortellini and I had a BBQ chicken breast.
We arrived on time in Phoenix, 1100 MST (1400 EDT).
In the baggage area we were greeted by Mike and Tiffany, our guides for the week.
That fast plane change in Charlotte caught up with us as though we made the plane, our bags did not.
Tiffany took control and made arrangements for our bags to catch up with us.
Lyd's Nap |
Drinks |
Cheese Tortellini |
BBQ Chicken Breast |
Dessert |
Mike and Tiffany |