Home <<< Laws' Family Clue #10 >>> 2020
We are hosting our 10th, weekly, game of Clue for the Laws family, via Zoom. Julia and Matt, (Team 3: Miss Scarlett), have 4 wins. Amy and Brian L., (Team 2:Colonel Mustard) have 3. Jerry and Linda, (Team 1: Profesor Plum) have 2. Our newest players, Tacy and Brian M. (Team 4: Mr. Green) and Diane and Lou (Team #5: Mrs. Peacock) will not attend this week, but have agreed to continue. Kelly, a friend of Linda's will join us as Team 6, representing Mrs. White.
Teams 1 and 6 each had 5 evidence cards with teams 2 & 3 each having 4. Jerry and Linda won their 4th game identifying Miss Scarlet with the lead pipe in the Billiard Room.
In a controversial play, Professor Plum, in the Hall, rolled to head for the Dining Room but then changed his mind and elected to head for the Library, instead. This prompted a challenge by Miss Scarlet over the change in destination. The challenge was, subsequently, withdrawn in the interest of good sportsmanship.
At present we are anticipating 6 teams for next week's match #11.