Welsh Family Cheese
Country: Germany
Cheese Texture/Type: Semi-soft
Cheese Milk Type: Cow
Cheese Age: 30 days
January - 2014
The Gourmet Cheese of the Month Club is proud to bring you a unique, sophisticated cheese from Germany—Mirabo Walnut. Its exclusive blossom shape, with fine white mold, gives Mirabo its unmistakable appearance. Mirabo Walnut is a cheese with little history as far as we know, but it sure is tasty! Käserei Champignon of Bavaria, Germany introduced this soft-ripened cheese made with cows' milk and crème fraiche. Walnut Mirabo has a center that is soft and creamy with the finest crushed walnuts speckled throughout. Käserei Champignon is a family-owned business founded by Julius Hirschle and Leopold Immler a century ago. In 1908, they gained acclaim for their special mushroom Camembert, which today has become a staple for many cheese boards. The business headquarters and main production plant is located in Heising, in the pristine countryside of the Bavarian Alps. It is here that their free grazing cows enjoy the plush green valleys conducive to producing their rich Bavarian milk. Combine their cheese-making heritage (handed down over the generations), the latest in advanced technology, and an inordinate dedication to quality, and you have Käserei Champignon, an internationally recognized leader in the industry. Mirabo Walnut is actually a German interpretation of Brie. Most varieties are made with pasteurized milk, some with added cream. All of them are soft, velvety cheeses with mild, but pleasantly sophisticated, flavors. They are allowed to ripen naturally in the traditional manner – from rind to the center – until they reach the pinnacle of perfection. Enjoy Mirabo Walnut and other German Bries at peak flavor by unwrapping them to let the cheeses breathe and come to room temperature.
Tasting Notes:
Tasting Notes
This Month's Selections:
Salemville Amish Blue
Five Territories
Mirabo Brie with Walnut