Searching for a Dog
After four years without a dog, we have decided to rectify that problem. We know we want a rescue dog, but a greyhound, like Kate and Sal's Jack, is just a little big for us. We don't want a heavy shedder, like Charlie. The dog's got to be friendly, be good with kids, and like lot's of attention. We've decided on a beagle.
And the winner is:
It was love at first sight this morning at the SPCA kennel in Onley, VA.

His first page of his own is here.
The Contenders
Hub Bub
Lady and Smokey
2009-04-18 By 1400, we brought Spider home. He is ours. Tomorrow is the fourth anniversary of putting Charlie down.
2009-04-18 We got an email from SPCA Eastern Shore this morning and we're driving down for a look.
2009-04-16 We sent an email to Marth Crowdes at Homewoods Rescue in Bivalve, MD, and an email to SPCA Eastern Shore also requesting a visit.
2009-04-08 We sent an email to Marth Crowdes at Homewoods Rescue in Bivalve, MD, requesting a visit the next day. She was headed out of town and couldn't accommodate the visit until the following week.
2009-04-04 We drove to Worcester County Humane Society, south of Ocean City, and looked at Lady and Smokey.