Delmarva Shorebirds
We went to the ballgame. The Delmarva Shorebirds, a Class "A" affiliate of the Baltimore Orioles hosted the Lexington Legends. Our tickets were on the Picnic Pavilion and included a buffet of traditional baseball park food. We parked a little after 1800 and picked up our tickets and wrist bands (for the buffet) at the "will call" window. The hot dogs and hamburgers were pretty good though Lyd found the pulled pork kind of poor. She found a couple of beers ($6.50) and we settled in for the game. A couple of balls were fouled off our way which was exciting. In the middle of the fourth inning, we decided to call it a night. The Shorebirds had a 3-1 lead. They went on to win it 6-2.