Sun, 10/02/11
Lyd had never seen the Grand Canyon, so we booked "Southwest Splendors," an "Adventure by Disney."
The wake-up call and alarm both came at 0430.
We dressed and packed quickly for the 0500 shuttle back to the airport.
We learned, much to our pleasure, that Alabama crushed Florida 38-10.
Baggage check and security screening both went quickly and easily.
We boarded our first class seats at 0630 and the flight was in the air, on-time, at 0700 MST, which is 1000 EDT.
Nancy supplied several Bloody Maries and breakfast.
Lyd had a breakfast quesadilla and I had French Toast.
She settled in to a book on her iPad and I worked on web pages and pictures.
We landed 20 minutes late in PHL, due to weather and traffic changes.
There we found low ceilings, 54 and drizzle, a far cry from Phoenix.
The shuttle terminal was jammed with frustrated passengers, but thinned out quickly as one after another of the shuttle flights were cancelled.
We, however, were lucky.
Though our flight was 90 minutes late, it did, indeed, fly, returning us to Salisbury around 1900, too late to secure Buddy from the vet.