10/11/2014 |
We're going to Wyomissing for the weekend.
There's a Robin Hood show at the community college.
Following Margaret’s R&R, we were on the road shortly before 9, headed for Weeping Willow Kennel.
We dropped off Buddy and left the kennel about 0910.
We stopped at Chick-fil-A for chicken sandwiches and headed north.
We hit a few sprinkles and arrived in Wyomissing at 1300.
We played with Leo before he went up for his nap.
Dominic got home from school at 1545 and Lyd and the boys read books on the sofa.
We ordered some PJs from Disney.
Sal ordered dinner from Hong Thanh Thai restaurant.
Following a large brunch, we went to see a two-man show The Adventures of Robin Hood at a theatre in the local community college.
Though we had no TV coverage, FSU defeated Syracuse 38-20.
Sal grilled NY Strips which Kate served with her chick pea salad and noodles.
She also put some of the roasted garlic we brought on some English Muffins.
We were on the road by 0710 and collected Buddy and arrived home before 1100. We watched football and enjoyed Barber Cordon Blue and a bowl of my chili for dinner.
Brunch |
Ticket |