Tuesday, August 2, 2022
The Plan:
We'll take a tour of Boston with guides from American Cruise Lines before boarding the American Constitution at Charleston Marina in time for lunch.
We're scheduled to sail at 1400, bound for Portland, ME, arriving at 2230.
At 0612, it’s 70o in Boston.
At 0700, we packed our bags, readied them for the bellmen and went down for a very nice breakfast buffet.
At 1000, we all boarded 3 busses and toured Boston with a guide loaded with old puns.
We finally arrived at the American Constitution about noon and went straight to lunch which was an excellent seafood salad.
We had an egress drill, and, soon thereafter, we were at sea, bound for Portland, ME.
I attended the excursion briefing.
We sat out on our veranda with drinks and noted the passing of the lobster pots marking the trap lines.
Just before 5, a pod of dolphin cavorted off the starboard beam and I notified/interrupted the travel briefing with the news.
At 1730, we went for cocktails and then down to dinner.
I started with a green salad, which Lyd skipped.
She moved on to an excellent pan-seared crab cak, while I had a massive lamb shank.
Lyd finished with pecan bourbon pie and I enjoyed New York Cheesecake with sour cherry compote.
At 2034, it’s 68o, at sea, southeast of Portland, ME.
Itinerary |
Speaker's Plan |
Boston Common |
Fenway Park |
Bunker Hill |
Lunch Menu |
Seafood Salad |
Turtle Cheesecake |
Veranda |
Lobster Bouys |
Eagle List |
Green Salad |
Crab Cake |
Lamb Shank |
Pecan Bourbon Pie |
Cheesecake |