Monday, August 8, 2022
The Plan:
We should arrive in Gloucester around 0730.
At 0930, we're aboard the Schooner Lannon for a 3-hour tour.
We're back to sea at 1830 to pass through the Cape Cod Canal on our way to Newport, RI.
At 0519, it’s 71o, about 2 hours north of Gloucester, MA.
The rough seas projected for overnight never developed, and the captain gave us a nice smooth ride.
I had my standard breakfast.
At 0930, I boarded the schooner Lannon for a 2.5 hour cruise, under sail, around the harbor.
Lyd chose to stay aboard.
I returned in time for lunch and we both had the chicken Caesar salad.
Lyd finished with Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie, and I had some chocolate mint ice cream.
We returned to the room for naps.
Following cocktails at 1730, we went down to dinner only to find our regular table fully occupied.
The promised lobster bisque was gone, so I had corn chowder, instead.
We both had the seared trout and I finished with an Irish Cream Cheesecake.
The captain has, again, warned of rough seas soon after midnight, so we returned to the room.
Lunch Menu |