9/1/2014 |
SKDL arrived on Thursday evening around 2245 after an uneventful drive. They had chili and we all retired for the evening.
We visited with Kate and Sal and played with the boys.
We had deli sandwiches for lunch and Sal used our grill to make burgers and hotdogs for dinner.
Lyd secured Bill from the airport and delivered him to Margaret’s house.
In the evening, Sal, Kate and I watched Hunger Games 2.
Sal's Lincoln Tower |
Dogs |
Burgers |
Dinner |
We visited with SKDL in the morning and then we all went to Goin’ Nuts where we were joined by Victor and Elaine, Vic and Jean and Bill for Margaret’s birthday celebration luncheon.
At the last minute, text messages announced that Jessie would also join us.
In the evening, Margaret and Bill joined us for Steamed Shrimp, Crab Imperial, Ham, Zuchinni Gratin and Chocolate Mousse pie.
In the evening, I watched the FSU v Oklahoma State football game; won by the ‘Noles, 37-31.
Margaret |
Margaret & Victor |
Kate, Margaret & Dominic |
Vic & Victor |
Tom, Lydia & Margaret |
Luncheon |
Bill & Vic |
Birthday Cake |
Dinner Table |
Centerpiece |
Dominic |
Dessert |
SKDL left just after lunch to return to Wyomissing. Bill and Margaret joined us at 1630 for a dinner of Shepard’s Pie and Jiko Salad.
Pop & The Boys |
The Boys |
I completed Margaret's weekly marketing.
Brother & Sister |