This is the 22nd End-of-Year newsletter we have composed using the technology of the day, including links. Strictly speaking, once again, this is not a "letter." Those are missives in a pleasant type face, on fancy holiday "paper", carefully folded and sent through snail-mail with something attached called a "postage stamp!"(73 cents). If you want an historical look back, last year's letter is here.

Our daily activities are all listed in our 2024 Journal. The year's milestones and highlights, however, are summarized below. Distribution is accomplished by sending the link in an email and modifications occur in response to questions/suggestions from friends and family. Click here to send me a note.

Tom is 78 and Lew is 75. We've been retired for 16 years and, since May, 2019. we're living in Wyomissing, PA, 1/4 mile from Sal, Kate, D, and Leo (SKDL). Our King Charles Spaniel, Holly, is 6.
At our ages, I suppose annual letters start with health updates. My prostate cancer isn't going to go away; it's just not very important. My desk drawer has 12 pill bottles, half of them twice-a-day, two eye drops, and an insulin syringe, but I'm still on the grass side of the dirt! Lydia has no major health issues and will certainly outlive me. After all, her maternal grandmother reached 103 and her mother - - 106!
Travel We had a little more travel this year. Our first trip to Disney World was in March. We took SKDL to Disney World in June, our 7th time as a group. August had us on the Great Lakes, aboard Pearl Mist with Pearl Seas Cruises. We were back at Disney World in September.
Renovation We decided to enhance our Holiday Decorations this year with some exterior lighting.
Theater I still maintain the Community Players of Salisbury's website.
Sal continues web design, working out of the home, and Kate continues practicing dermatology. Dominic (or "D", as he is known to one and all) is 16 and in the 10th grade at Wyomissing Junior Senior High, and still runs for Cross Country. Leo is 13 in the 7th grade and also, now, at the high school. He's involved with the drama club and was in the Fall Thing. With our Zoom account, we still host family game night, monthly, for the Ferrarello extended family.
2025 In 2025, we will go to WDW 2 times. Our first in May, with Bill. In July, we're taking a cruise with American Cruise Lines in Maine. Lyd and I will have our Disney fall holiday, in September.

Merry Christmas, 2024 and Happy New Year, 2025

Tom and Lydia (& Holly)