Welsh Family Kitchen
The original recipe was a combination of several recipes.
1 purchased angel food cake
Reddi Whip
1/4 cup tablespoon cream sherry
1 cup strawberry preserves
1 pint fresh strawberries
1 pint fresh blue berries
10 fresh cherries, pitted and split
1 pint raspberries
2 boxes Vanilla pudding mix
Cut the cake into bite size pieces.
Put one layer in the bottom of the serving bowl.
Combine Sherry and Jam and soak the fruit in the mixture for about 30 minutes.
Make the pudding as directed.
Layer on top on the cake: juice from the soaking, fruit, pudding (repeat cake, juice, fruit pudding).
Top with Reddi Whip.
2011-03-04: Served to Kate, Sal and Nico, but without cherries as they were not available.
Email comments to Tom