Welsh Family Kitchen
We were married for over 30 years before we figured out the Asian version of the American omelet -- egg foo young.
Ingredients: Measurement is unimportant
Canola oil
Chopped Onion
Shredded Cabbage (Lyd likes a slaw mix)
2-3 Eggs per person
4 mushrooms, chopped [not if Sal is here.]
Soy Sauce
Garlic Powder
salt & pepper
Chopped Bamboo Shoots [optional]
Stuff!!!!! (This can be shrimp, pork, chicken, beef - all finely chopped. If you use most of these, it's called sub gum, but you don't have to use any of it.)
Jar of Brown Gravy (optional), warmed in the microwave
Sauté the onion, cabbage, scallions and mushrooms until tender. Remove from heat, drain and cool.
Whisk together eggs, onion/cabbage mixture, soy, spices, bamboo shoots and stuff!
Into a pan with oil, under medium-low heat, put a small ladle of the mixture, like for pancakes. Keep the ladles separate, like for pancakes.
Cook until the edges start to brown and it slides when jiggled, maybe 3 minutes.
Flip and cook until desired doneness.
Serve with some of the brown gravy, if desired.
2018-06-27: A batch with bits of London Broil and chopped ham and served with Gen Tom sugar snap peas. I think I have too much “stuff “ in proportion to the eggs.
2017-04-24: With a can of Bumble Bee shrimp, I made shrimp egg foo young. Less cabbage and slower cooking improved the result.
2014-09-24: a batch for the two of us.
2014-08-07: half-bag, half onion, 4 mushrooms, 5 eggs: poor for an unknown reason
2013-10-20: half-bag, half onion, 4 mushrooms, 6 eggs, scallions.
Email comments to Tom