Fresh Asparagus Puree |
Ingredients: |
2.5 lbs Fresh Asparagus
16 oz canned Tomatoes
6 cups Chicken Stock
1 teaspoon basil
1/4 teaspoon white pepper
2 tablespoons flour
1/2 cup sour cream
half & half
Procedures: |
Cut off 20 2" tips of asparagus and cut rest into 1" pieces.
Cook the asparagus and tips, tomatoes, basil and pepper in 2 cups of the stock, removing the tips when they are just tender-crisp.
Reserve the tips for garnish. Continue cooking the mixture 20 minutes or until stems are tender; puree in blender.
Combine remaining stock, flour and sour cream with puree; cook until smooth and slightly thickened.
Force through medium-fine sieve and add salt to taste.
This with half & half if desired.
Chill thoroughly, adjust seasoning and garnish with reserved asparagus tips.
Serve with curried toast fingers or garnish with crab legs and/or shrimp and a
generous sprinkling of minced parsley and chives.
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Notes: |
2015-12-10: added to the cookbook.
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