Welsh Family Kitchen
Eggs Frontenac
During our 2016 visit to Quebec, we stayed at the Fairmont Hotel Frontenac in Quebec City. The concierge floor served a Baked Eggs and Smoked Bacon for breakfast.
5 eggs
Heavy Cream
Dry Sherry
Tomato & Herb Blend of spices
Prepare four ramekins. Spray with Pam. Select five eggs. Place in large bowl. Use imersion blender (boat motor) to whip thoroughly. Add salt, pepper, tomato herb blend, cream and sherry to taste. Really a dash of each. Bake in 370o oven for 45 minutes until firm. I put water in the bottom to bake like custards
2016-07-17: Our first attempt at replicating what was served at The Fairmont Hotel Frontenac in Quebec City.
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